Great one, Jason. It got me thinking about why it is that - it's mostly white men - orchestrating these awful mass shootings. I also was not familiar with how millennials tend to place too much emotional blame on their parents. But makes perfect sense, and something I've been coming across recently in my psychology studies. My generation tends to place far too much emphasis on our parents' influence and the failures of the Boomer mentality, I believe.

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good post, Jason. I found myself thinking about the toy debate through the same lens I've thought about for film/TV, in the context of: ideally, what age would you like to show your child their first movie? What movie would it be? Why? Most parents stumble into it out of a desperate need for a break (fair enough). But it's a different question if you think proactively about what skills you're trying to cultivate (as opposed to what are you grudgingly willing to tolerate to get your kid out of diapers...)

I'm willing to grant that playing with guns isn't always/everywhere bad (lord knows I did as a kid). But I'm also not sure it's good, or that some other toy/focus wouldn't be more helpful for the same end. And I'm quite sure that some of it is just bad (hard to think of a prosocial case for Grand Theft Auto beyond "it's fun", which doesn't quite meet the bar for me). Because this space is overwhelmingly gendered (video games, toy guns, gun/gaming culture generally) I'm deeply skeptical that it's something we want to maintain/encourage.

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